And You're Not Coming Out Until You've Made Up!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 17064


Hoo boy. Well, it's got to be done sooner or later... I pick out one of the currently-unused TARDIS bedrooms and carefully remove all the breakable items and potential weapons. Equally carefully, we place the still-unconscious Avon on the bed. Geez, he looks like shit... I only wish I knew whether I was actually doing him a favor here or not...

Blake has a grimly-determined set to his jaw that I'm not entirely sure I like, and I stop him at the threshold of the door. "Blake, listen. Avon's... Avon's been through a lot. Believe me, you've no idea..." I break off. There's a lot more I want to say, but I'm not sure it's appropriate, and I know Avon wouldn't be happy if I were to go spilling all his personal details to Blake. Finally I simply say, "Just... try to keep that in mind. All right?"

He nods, and, figuring that it's all up to them now, I step aside and let him into the room. A quick spell to start Avon waking up, and I'm out of there, locking the room behind me.

The temptation to listen at the door is almost overwhelming, but these are, after all, real people and not fictional characters (however much the distinction might be blurring of late), and I let them have their privacy.

Well, mind you, I still listen in for sounds of violence.

After three hours with no gunfire, I trepidatiously open the door. Avon is curled up on the bed, sound asleep, and Blake is sitting beside him with one hand on his shoulder.

Yeah, Avon himself would doubtless refer to me as a "sentimental fool," but, I gotta admit, the scene kind of chokes me up.

"Lingering effects of the laser stun," says Blake.

Well, that and emotional and physical exhaustion, I'm sure, but Blake knows that as well as I do, so I don't bother saying it.

"I'm glad you've worked things out." They must have, of course, if Avon trusts Blake enough to go to sleep in his presence.

Blake just shrugs. "So," he says. "What now?"

"We'll wake the others up soon. It might be best, though, to wait until Avon wakes up and let him talk to them first."

Blake rubs at the scar on his eye and nods.

"And then, after that," I go on, "Well, there are some people you need to meet with, I understand. And I believe we have a wedding to go to..."

  1. So...

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ragan (who expects anybody who HASN'T seen the final episode of B7 to be utterly confused by now, but, hey, it gave *me* a warm'n'fuzzy feeling... :))

8/22/2001 9:41:14 PM

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