Ms Annanova's Doctor Regrets That She Is Indisposed

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 16929

"Then I'm afraid you heard wrongly," the Doctor said in his most authoritative tone. There were a lot of disappointed mutterings from the crowd, but nevertheless it started to disperse. Betty-1 had begun to breath more easily when a man near the back loudly objected: "But I heard them say on today's 'Good Morning, Earth' that she would be jumping."

"Ms Annanova is indisposed and unable to jump," the Doctor said smoothly. "There doesn't look to be much wrong with her," the man said sceptically. "Slight thigh strain," the Doctor replied. "It wouldn't be safe for her to go ahead. I should know; I'm a doctor." He whispered into Betty-1's ear: "Remember to limp slightly when we walk on."

  1. The crowd disperses and the Doctor and his companions move on.
  2. Unluckily, a nearby giant TV screen situated high above the walkway switches to showing the real Annanova preparing for her jump.
  3. The man protests: "But they can heal a minor injury like that in a matter of minutes. What sort of a doctor are you?"

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