Washing away the Desert Sand

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 16916

"Shall we take a look?" Fred asked Astra. "Might as well. I'd be glad of a break from riding. I've got more bruises on my backside from this camel than I got in the fight with Mahal. The camel always seems to be coming up just as I am coming down." "The desertmen said there was a knack to riding a camel, and I don't think either of us have quite mastered it yet."

Arriving at the oasis, they found that not only did it have lush grass and shady palm trees, but there was also a pool of clear water. "A chance to wash off the sand of the desert," said Astra with delight. "I can't remember when I last had the chance to bathe properly. Offering us a bath wasn't something that occurred to Dr Vincent." By the time she had finished talking, she had already slipped out of her clothes and was striding into the water.

Then she saw that Fred had made no move to follow her. "Come on, Fred," she said. "No need to be shy. Or do you think that the sight of your naked body will drive me mad with lust?" "Well, I suppose not," he said, and a little reluctantly stripped off and followed her into the water.

  1. They finish bathing, dry off, get dressed, and resume their journey.
  2. Whilst they are bathing...

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