Doing what was warned planned

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 16760

"Oh....what am I going to do?" Romana finds herself asking.

She blinks in surprise at that question.

She knows what she should do and just leave it at that, but..... Why did her hearts race a bit faster at the thought of doing more than just that?

"Well, why don't you go and help?" Lela asks, surprised.

This young girl is as the others said she'd be, Lela thinks to herself.

Romana looks at Lela. She opens her mouth to snap out a cutting remark. She pauses, tilting her head with an odd expression as something occurs to her.

"Why not indeed?" she finally says, sounding somewhat surprised at herself.

So, at a run and the minimal amount of information needed to be given to Lady Rodan to call security, the young Time Lady Romana (she's nearly 120 years old...hardly a child) goes running off with the half naked leather clad warrior woman from an unnamed planet and they proceed to do....exactly what the Doctor warned them not to do.....

So very typical...

But this time, exactly what the Doctor (and his other Companions this time) wanted!

Meanwhile, over a familiar seeming balcony....after bypassing Security (Inquirer and Elrondir have few curt words to describe those Time Lord equivalent to the Star Trek Redshirts) rather easily.....they pause as yet from the script happens right before them!!

Like we aren't used to this by now! Ey'esha thinks to herself despairingly, as they all see the blip before them!

"It....can't be," Betty whispered.

She'd used more colorful phrasing, but....that's what came first.

Ragan, however, thinks metaphors as Spock would term them.

"It's....Blake?!" she finally gags out quietly.

"Who?" says the Doctor, a puzzled frown crossing his forehead.

"B...Blake," Ragan bursts out unhelpfully.

"Wait?" Inquirer whispers back. "The guy from the videotapes you're always going on about?"

Betty nods, apparently having been rendered almost as speechless as her counterpart. "Um, yeah. I think we've just entered crossover territory. Yet again."

"Not this one," mumbles Ragan. "Oh, not this universe. I told you I couldn't deal with it..."

"Would you care to fill us in?" asks the Doctor quietly.

"Blake's 7," says Betty, her voice equally low. "That's Roj Blake. He's... sort of the main character. Sort of."

"Not at this point," squeaks Ragan in a small voice. "That's Gauda Prime Blake. Look at the scar!"

"All right!" Inquirer hisses. "Just tell us who he is and what he's doing here!"

"I have no idea," says Betty. "This is just..." Despite everything she's seen and done since joining up with the Doctor, she seems genuinely shaken by this turn of events.

"Maybe..." Ragan begins tentatively.

But she abruptly breaks off as the other begin shushing her... For one of the figures on the balcony has begun to speak...

Of course, the bad guy always has to oblige by telling of his fiendishly clever plot, Gilmuriel sighs to himself, and then smiles, Kind of like the Nile Empire from Torg!

He and the others had rather grown fond of that role-playing game.....

And so....

Yeh gods....what has this fellow been through?! Blake asks himself, gaping at the walking corpse before him....

After that debacle on Gauda.....he'd almost expect anything, but this is kind of.....well....

"So we finally meet face to face," the corpse whisper, giving off a fiendish small laugh.

Blake wonders what is so funny about this.

Oh, where he's from they gloat, but not in this manner.

After Avon shot him, and he'd awaken in that mysterious clinic ....with apparently new intestines (still was getting used to eating solid foods.....takes awhile for intestines to adjust....bowel irritations had been....gads!), his would be employer had contacted him....and told him if he wanted to see to the collapse of his precious enemy, the Federation AND to have a chance at killing the very person who'd....evacuated his lower come to a certain meeting spot inside this large medicine cabinet nearby.....

After a bit of crunching and grinding from in a room where it should have been than it was... He arrived here....wherever here was.

Another cryptic set of instructions from this one contact he'd had doubts about in the very beginning (somehow Blake got the feeling this fellow thought he work in addition to bounty hunting), avoiding ridiculously easy (and ghastly clad) security he was here.

See what the guy had to say, to begin to learn the ways of this strange land, then see what to do. Blake works this way, sometimes...... sometimes.

"And what a face we have here," Blake says in a rather droll voice.

"No need to be snide," admonishes the Master in his special way, "After all, I did save your life."

"Yes, out of the goodness of your heart," Blake says sarcastically.

"To business," the Master says, not quiet enjoying this as much as he'd hoped, "I have a small job for you. Refuse, and you never shall get your chance to bring down your....friendly Federation. Nor, may a I add, shall you get a chance to....shall we say, discuss the error of your friends way back on Gauda Prime."

Blake blinks, taken aback (rather untypical of him....but he's had a....rather trying day so can be forgiven). Then his recently acquired cynical side comes to the fore.

"And pray tell, how can you help me with my....Federation issue," Blake says softly, "What have you to offer that would convince me that you could accomplish something I've spent most of my life trying to accomplish?"

The last part is delivered in a somewhat growl from Blake.

Again the superior, amused chuckle from the corpse.

"As proof, my dear.....Watson....oddly appropriate name my bounty huter.....what do you think of of technology you have seen thus far," the Master says softly, "Oddly....roomy rooms we've seen, eh? More....much much more from where that comes from! Only a small portion you've seen, Waston. Only a small portion."

There is a small trace of menace in the last part.

Blake going to say something....then thinks yet again.

"And what would you task me for this," he finally asks, fishing.

"Oh, a tiny, simple thing," says the Master, his voice dropping to a menacing rasp. "Nothing you haven't done before, I assure you."

Blake merely stood there, looking impatient.

The Master gave a slightly sigh, seemingly disappointed by his lack of response. "There's someone I need you to... eliminate," he said curtly.


Down below, in the Panopticon....

"I said that someone is about here trying to kill you, Lord President!" Romana nearly shouts, exapserated for having to repeat herself!

And this man lead them, Leela thinks to herself, not impressed.

Now, what happens next his rapid!!

Hearing the commotion below, the Master...rightly, thinks that his wonderful plan has now been dashed (like so many before). Angrily, he grabs the staser from the balking hands of Blake (who's surprised at the strength of this...corpse).

The others of the Doctor's group who are not familiar with Blake, mistakenly figure that something needs to be done or somebody is going to die (like...say....the still incredibly exposed President...Inquirer thinks that these Security folks are now utterly....utterly useless).....Well, they figure they've waited long enough and something shall be done.

"No!!" Ragan and Betty scream together, knowing that Blake is in danger here.

Below, finally tired at the gawking Security people looking at the commotion and NOT doing their job (i.e. protecting the @#$@# President), she mutters something vile and then proceeds to act Leela. She knocks the President to the ground, shoves him behind a statue, and forces to STAY behind it while the Security people finally....wake UP!

But the deciding factor here is Be'lanna.

Working phrase she had even before her becoming an elf is basically: "Stun them all and sort it out later."


  1. "Now, can let's ...move on...shall we?" she says in an almost tart voice, looking back at the others as she puts away her phasor.

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