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The Never Ending Quest - Episode 16447

Diana happily ambled down the grassy hillside. The sun was in her face for the first time in many days. She saw the trees and the bushes along the trail. They were the first signs of her freedom. She breathed deeply into the clean air. It was many times brighter than the air of the cave.

A bush rustled beside her. She turned, expecting an animal or bird, but instead a hideous green creature emerged. It was grasping a cudgel in its deformed paws. She heard herself scream as the monster swung at her. She avoided the first blow and backed up the hillside from where she came. It was of no use. The creature barked in a strange tongue and kept coming. Drool fell from between its jagged teeth. It's black eyes looked hungry. It took another swing. This one brushed against Diana's left thigh, causing her to slip and fall backwards. She tried to roll away, but the creature stepped on her feet, raised its club over its head and swung to the earth. Again Diana avoided the blow, but barely. The beast walked up her skirt, attempting to get a better shot.

Diana looked up at her last few seconds of life. The sky was blue and trees green. The hideous thing raised its club to block her view. Diana closed her eyes and prayed.

There was a thump. She opened her eyes. The creature yelled and blood poured from where its arm once was. Then it collapsed to earth in a heap. Steam rose from it's dying body. Diana recognized Fred's sword in its back. He placed his boot upon it rear and pulled the weapon loose.

"An orc," he mused. "There may be more nearby."

  1. Diana and Fred rush to the relative safety of the mouth of the cave.
  2. Fred decides to escort Diana back to the village of Caemlyn.

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