Backstory 7

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 16335

From the original thread:

The Fred of this thread was sent to kill the Dragon of the Southern Caves, and soon met Velus and Astra. However, Velus turned out to be the Dragon in disguise, who'd captured Astra and chained her to the wall to serve as a lure for heroes. They defeated the Dragon, but his master was about to cast a spell on them when they were sent to the Pryamid.

Fred is attracted to Astra and is a little jealous that she's slept with other men, but recognizes that those emotions are petty and not worthy of entertainment.



Belinda is the younger sister of Astra, and although she cares about her deeply she is slightly jealous of her because Astra is more famous. Riding her horse, Rowan, one night, she was attacked by minions of the book maker's enemies, and was teleported to their base before being pulled to the Pyramid at the last minute. Unlike her analog, she has no potential magical skill.< p>Stacy Jones

Stacy has no memory of her life before she found herself in a subway car one day. She was teleported to the pyramid soon after she lost her memory. She is a very attractive young woman in her 20's. She is brave, resourceful, and no stranger to weirdness.

From the Game 3 universe:

The Game 3 universe exists within the Elemental universe. It is ruled by mysterious beings known as the Authors, apparently mortals who gained some control of the Godfire. The Authors can often be fantastically amoral. The Elementals don't like them, but they put up with them.


Sandra came into existance as a result of the manipulations of a particularly evil Author, Karen Ford. She attempted to turn Lord Fred into a barmaid and place her into a situation where she would be saturated with mindless sex. Miranda, an emmisary of the Elementals who acted as a moderator between the Authors (because when the Authors get into arguments, it's pretty nasty) attempted to put a stop to it and turn Fred back to normal. However, the restorationon was incomplete, although he did become an independant individual again.

Sandra is the daughter of a noble family. She did not want to live the life of a normal Great Kingdom woman, for in the Great Kingdom women were expected to know their place, and that place was behind the men. She instead became a soldier of fortune, and set out for Aqualaria to find work. She was at the border of the Shreken when she was pulled out.

Fred and Astra:

What universe this Fred and Astra originated in is uncertain, but they ended up in the Game 3 pocket universe. Transported there by a strange hole in reality, they were forced to have sex by a group of demons. This stirred up no end of unpleasant emotions between them.

Scott Chen:

Scott Chen was born in the 24th century. He became a high-profile scientist in the United Federation of Planets. He was brilliant, but very egotistical and callous. Eventually, he discovered his connection to a mysterious power known as the Godfire.

Here I should explain a bit just what the Godfire is. It is a mysterious force more powerful than the Deprtments, the Elementals, the Bookmaker's enemies, or just about anything else. Simply enough, it is power in its purest form. It is sometimes referred to as Chaos Energy, but it is not connected in any way with Chaos as the Departments see it. The Godfire is the name the Elementals gave it. It is not because it is connected in any way with Fire as the Elementals percieve it, which roughly corresponds to the Departments' idea of Good, but because of its effect on the user--like a fire burning away at his or her very soul. Many of its users become corrupt, but this is not due to the nature of the Godfire, but rather due to their own nature.

Scott attempted to channel the power to make himself immortal. Using machines to assist him, he was able to bring himself back each time he died. He mistakenly believed that the machines were producing the Chaos Energy, rather than the truth--that he was channeling the Chaos Energy, and the machines were merely assisting him. He hoped to further develop his abilities and become immortal and all- powerful.

He attempted to enter into an alliance with the Borg Queen. But the Queen, although initally impressed, soon saw that the longer it went on the more the arrangement degenerated. For the Godfire, due to Scott's imperfect control of it, was warping probability and causing all sorts of strange and inane things to happen to him. What's more, Scott's timeline was beginning to fragment. Every time he recreated himself, a temporal duplicate came into existance. And as Scott's timeline fragmented, the timeline of that analog universe began to fragment in chaotic and unpredictable ways. The ultimate result was that it became something of a multiverse within a multiverse, in which a large number of chaotic and unpredictable things happen. Somehow, the Authors came into existance, and took control of the universe, using Scott as a plaything. Scott was reborn again and again in his room, and many never left the room and went mad with loneliness. The Scott who ended up in the Pyramid was one of the ones who had left because the loneliness had gotten too unbearable.

Scott is about 19. He is rather egotistical and callous, but has the potential to be a hero. As we shall see, part of the universes' current problems lie with another Scott. And one of the book maker's enemies' cheif operatives is yet another Scott. So Scott is, in a way, the most pivotal member of this group. He has the strongest connection to the Godfire of any individual in any universe. Should he ever gain full control of it, he would become all- powerful. Should he even gain partial control of it, he would be quite formidible. And he alone can defeat his evil analog.

  1. Having now viewed all the pertinent information, the book maker set course for the pyramid. The time was at hand...

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