The Last Hurdle?

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 15376

Fred encountered no-one as he scurried up the stairs, nor was there anyone in the study. But in the library off the study was Arkas, staring at the Crystallic with such intense concentration that apparently he was oblivious to the commotion on the floor below. If Ringroot had posted any guards outside the library to ensure the Crystallic's safe-keeping, they were not there now but had presumably been drawn away by the mob's attack on the building. Fred wondered whether the mental nature of demifoxes might mean that discipline was not their strong point.

Arkas looked up as Fred entered. When he saw who it was, a look of surprise crossed his face. But before he could say or do anything, Fred tossed his second black pebble at his feet. At once, a choking black cloud spread through the room.

  1. Arkas slumped unconscious to the floor.
  2. Arkas laughed. "I'm a mage, D'Honaire! Surely you didn't expect such petty magicks to have any effect on me?"
  3. The mage Arkas fell into unconsciousness...

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