Attack From Within

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 15375

"Hold out your hand," Synizn's voice told him. The tingling Fred felt on the hand upon which he wore the ring suddenly intensified and then there appeared three objects in his palm; a small vial filled with a greenish liquid and two small black pebbles. "What is this?" Fred gasped. "Silence!" Synizn commanded, "now listen carefully. The Crystallic is near the large room you just recently vacated. Return there and search for it." Fred shook his head with frustration, "But how? I am trapped in this room." Synizn's laughter filled Fred's mind. "Not for long, young fox. When the moment comes scream out to your guards. You must then act quickly. Drink the contents of the vial and then, when the door is opened, fling a black pebble into the hallway."

"When what moment comes?!" Fred hissed, trying to keep his voice down. But there was only silence in reply and the tingling in his hand faded away. Fred growled to himself, "Gods I hate magic, and the bastards who use it."

Synizn leaned back and grinned. If all went according to plan the Crystallic would be in his hands before the day was out. And if it didn't... Synizn shrugged, he would just have to come up with another plan. Getting up from his chair he stretched and went over to his liquor cabinet. He poured himself a stiff one and swallowed it down. All he could do now was wait. Wait, and think.

With the death of Malachi the situation had changed dramatically and not for the better. But at least Minestus was dead. If only he was the only dragon that posed a threat, but oh well, the world was not a perfect place. And what of Fred and Astra. What a surprising pair they were to be dropped into the middle of all this. Synizn hoped he could be rid of them as quickly as possible. He would use them while it was necessary but he didn't want two dragon slayers hanging around.

At least he knew how to handle the both of them. In Fred's case, the best way to convince him to cooperate was by using the direct approach. Knights just loved being given the straight facts. That's why Synizn had told Fred so much. The fact that he had not been completely honest with Fred didn't matter, just so long as Fred had believed him. And what Fred didn't know certainly wouldn't harm Synizn. And if it hurt Fred... well the only thing that really mattered was Fred doing as he was told.

Outside of the old, brick houses in which the demifoxes lived a large group of men gathered. At a pre-appointed signal they began to yell and holler and throw rocks at the tightly packed homes. When some of the fox-men came out to see what this was all about the angry mob stormed the place. Fred meanwhile was pacing in his cell. But then he heard the rush of feet and a breathless call for assistance. Without a moment's hesitation Fred cried out and then swallowed the greenish liquid. This had to be the moment that he'd been waiting for. As if on cue, the door to his cell opened and Fred threw the black pebble. Instantly the hall was engulfed in a black cloud and everyone there fell to the ground, prone and senseless.

Fred immediately headed for the study above him. The Crystallic would be somewhere there along with the wizard Arkas. But with one more black pebble in his hand and all of the confusion caused by the attack, Fred was sure that he could take the Crystallic without much trouble.

  1. Fred finds Arkas and the Crystallic in the library off of the study, but does he succeed in the bold robbery?

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