The Owner of the Mysterious Voice is Revealed

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 14469

"What!" exclaimed Fred. "I came here to kill the dragon. I have no intention of serving him, regardless of what armour I may now wear. And what's this nonsense about the dragon being holy?" "Why, so he is viewed by his followers," said the disembodied voice.

It went on: "But there is something else that you may care to think about, Lady Fred. As you may know, the dragon is also a powerful mage. What has happened to you recently must be the work of a powerful mage, I think you will agree. How long is it going to take for you to put two and two together?" "You're the dragon?" Fred said in amazement. "I am. Of course, knowing you, it was a foregone conclusion that you would choose that suit of armour out of the choices of attire that you were offered. But you are unwise to say that you will not serve me. I have many ways of enforcing your obedience...

  1. "Do you need a further demonstration of my power over you?"
  2. "But if you serve me faithfully, you will find that the rewards can be considerable."
  3. "It is time to transport you to my quarters, I think, so that you can take up your duties."
  4. "What you are going to do for me first is..."

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