This episode was submitted by E. Nigma, (

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 14419

You look at James T. Kirk and vow that you are NOT going to just idlely stand by and passively watch things unfold, a nonparticipant. You want to be there every step of the way! You tell Kirk this much, and then request to contact Mr. Londo. This raises an eyebrow by the Captain, but also receives an approving nod.

Lt. Uhura quietely wades through the various bureacrats patiently until she mentions, somewhat crossly to a particularly dense agent, that this is the USS ENTERPRISE calling of the FEDERATION.....the ship that just stomped the Shadows. This penetrates, and Londo suddenly appears, looking a little flush. Kirk looks at the sight of Lando, and Lando blinks at the sight of Kirk....who is sitting besides you as you look at Londo on the Main Viewer. It is obvious that Kirk is a little younger than what Londo was expecting. Kirk, however, is somewhat familiar, from descriptions that you provided him while talking in your sleep. Kirk jestures to you, and you take up the cue.

"Greeting, Mr. Ambassador." you smile at the surprised Centauri. "Long time, no see....."

"Since when did you learn to speak....." Lando starts, in Centauri. "No....I see that you're lips form different words, but I hear Centauri. Instantaneous translation?"

"It's called a Universal Translater, sir." you say. Londo looks impressed. "I have a man here....Captain James Tiberius Kirk of the United Federation of Planets. As you might have guessed, he'd like to with you of a diplomatic nature." Londo looks like he'd like to ask you a few quesions, but you can see that he knows that now is not the time.

You watch the Captain and the Ambassador arrange a meeting. You aren't totally satified with being a middle man, as it were, but then again.....Kirk could have kept you totally out of the loop!

Kirk then turns and smiling a boyish smile and ask where you would like to meet Mr. Londo for the meeting.

  1. You suggest that Kirk and friends go down to the planet in a shuttle craft. It should be interesting to see how the very ornate Centauri react to the.....rather utilitarian uniforms of Star Fleet (Hey, even the formal uniform was a bit informal.
  2. You suggest to have the Ambassador beamed aboard. This should throw the Ambassador off balance....and thus just a little easier to handle. Kirk is a GOOD poker player (a master, some would say). However, so is a sense.......

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