This episode was submitted by Emperor Cartagia.

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 14364

You head left, and after travelling for about an hour (this is a BIG place) you find yourself strolling through a GORGEOUS courtyard. The ground is paved with ceramic tiles that have this fancy pattern on them that reminds you of an abstract version of a peacock's tail -- and also echoes that crest of hair all the male Centauri have, you realise--they seem to like bird motifs here. Perfectly-trimmed trees that have been sculpted into twisting, curvy shapes dot a manicured green lawn. Large circular flower gardens bordered by low stone walls surround elegant naked marble statues of Centauri gods or heroes, you suppose, and you notice that all the male statues have tentacles. They must be more alien than they look with their clothes on, you reflect. But the statues are done in such a classic way that they don't strike you as dirty at all. Here and there are soft, plush pieces of furniture in odd curvy shapes that seem to still be somehow functional. Large leaves blow softly in a Mediterranean-climate breeze. You stop for a moment and sit down on a spiral-shaped couch to rest your aching feet. You have just taken off your sandals when you hear voices.

"Pain technicians!" says a voice you recognise as the Emperor. From your vantage point behind the huge fronds of a red fern you can see him pretty well but not who he's talking to. "We used to call them torturers, but now they're 'pain technicians'!"

You listen in horrified fascination, as Cartagia holds a conversation with two people who, from their voices, you take to be Londo and Vir, about how you just can't get GOOD torturers these days, and how annoying it is to get blood on your BEST pair of white gloves, etc, etc. The tone of voice is that of a spoiled rich boy who's favourite toy has broken, but he is talking about such HORRIBLE things! You shudder. This man DEFINITELY has to die. You don't know who's being tortured, but anyone this casually sadistic does not deserve to live, let alone run an entire empire!

The conversation stops and the voices seperate. Londo and Vir stay where they are for a moment and Vir murmurs something you can't hear, but the Emperor and his servants appear to be heading RIGHT for you!

You only have a few seconds to hide...where do you go?

  1. Hide behind one of the doors that lead off of this courtyard, not knowing what's behind it?
  2. Attempt to slip in behind the Emperor and blend in with the other servants he already has with him?

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