Parallel Universes and Closed Causal Loops, Oh My!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 13082

"Immortal cyborgs, and science fiction and fantasy characters... Oh my!" Betty joked. "Sounds too much like Torg already!"

Inquirer laughed, but Ragan was looking at her counterpart with a confused expression. "What are you talking about?"


"I don't remember any conference in Washington, D.C. And he'd hardly even started working on the new rulebook in '99..."

Now it was Betty's turn to be look confused, but in a moment her face cleared. "Ah!" she exclaimed. "Sounds like we've discovered yet another difference between our universes! This is turning out to be a really interesting experience..."

"Yeah, I guess that would explain it," said Ragan. "And, come to think of it, didn't I see you packing a copy of the original boxed set?" Betty nooded. "I don't have one of those!" Ragan continued. There was a jealous expression on her face, rather like the one she'd worn when she'd found out the extent of her counterpart's video collection. "Ah, well," she sighed. "I guess it's a good thing, anyway. Otherwise we'd probably have to make another side trip. Hard to find a set of Torg cards in 1999, I'd think."

"Anyway," said Betty, "back to the point. Actually, now that I think about it, I think I'd probably better go and talk to the guy myself. I'm pretty sure I can sweet-talk him into giving me an advance copy of the rules..."

"Won't he be surprised by you showing up here in 1999?" asked Ragan. "I mean, you weren't in DC in '99. Were you?"

Betty shrugged. "Oh, I'm sure I can make up some excuse..."

Ragan frowned, another thought occuring to her. "But... wait a minute... If you show up in DC now, and get a copy of the new rules system... And then he goes back to Socorro... And your earlier self will be there, but won't have been to DC, and won't have the new rules system..."

Betty interrupted her. "Oh! That's what he was talking about! I could never figure out why he thought I was in Washington, DC..."

They both burst out laughing at this. "Geez, Benny was right," said Ragan. When Betty looked at her inquiringly (obviously not recalling the relevant quote), Ragan smiled and said "time travel f*cks with your mind!"

They both giggled, the more so at the sight of the Doctor (who'd chosen that moment to go walking past) rolled his eyes at them.

"Well, yeah, OK," said Betty finally. "So, I'll go and talk to the guy. Get the rulebook, just to keep Inquirer happy." She smiled at Inquirer.

  1. "In the meantime, I dunno, why don't you guys go out and see DC or something?" she added.
  2. "In the meantime, I dunno, why don't you guys go out and see DC or something?" she added (redo).

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ragan (who apologizes for the delay on this!)

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