A New Quest

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 1293

"Oh," Astra said. "Well, then, sure."

"All right, then," Vincent says. "As I was saying, this Zardoz fellow has caused quite a bit of trouble in the kingdom and in the rest of the world." He lowers his voice. "In fact, that's why I'm really here in the Calamari. A few decades ago Zardoz went on an insane rampage and started lashing out at all of the local wizards. You know, curses, assassins, threatening letters, that sort of thing. He felt that their power threatened his own, you see. So, of course, when he learned that I dabbled a bit in the Arts he started attacking me. I was eventually forced to leave my barony and enter the Wizards' Protection Program, and this is where they sent me.

"Anyway," he continues, resuming his normal tone, "now that Zardoz has offed most of the wizards in the kingdom, his power is virtually unmatched. I'm afraid neither I nor any other wizard in the world could oppose him as of now. Unless, that is, you two could retrieve a certain book for me."

Fred and Astra look at each other, then Fred turns back to Vincent and says "It doesn't look like we have a choice. What is this book?"

"Ah," Vincent says, "this book is rumored to be the most powerful spellbook in the entire world, containing spells capable of killing even Zardoz. It's an ancient spellbook, dating back, some say, to mankind's creation."

"And where is it?" Fred asks.

"No one really knows for sure," Vincent says. "The legends say that the book was last seen in the days of the Great Empire, when the great Council of Wizards joined forces to combat a powerful demon that threatened to destroy the world. The Council and the demon both vanished in the battle, and the book went with them."

"Great," Astra mumbles. "no book, no leads, and probably no way to find it."

"But the legends also speak of a prophecy," Vincent says. "The prophecy says that a man will appear in the remnants of the Empire who will find the book and use it to save the world from the demon again. The man will appear to a wizard in the desert, broken and close to death, but will petition to the gods to heal him and will be restored."

"So you think Fred is this man?" Astra asks.

"Of course," Vincent says. "How else could he simply 'wish' his hands back?"

Fred and Astra are silent for a mement. The Fred says, "Okay. How do we find the book?"

"Uhhh..." Vincent says, "I was hoping you would know that."

Fred shakes his head.

"Well, I'm sure you'll figure it out, being the Chosen One and all," Vincent says.

"Don't you even have any advice for us?" Astra says.

"Sorry, no," Vincent says. Then, a moment later, "Actually, wait a moment." He leaves the room and comes back with a book. "Here," he says, handing it to Fred, "you can this book. It tells about the entire legend, as well as some of the other legends of the empire. Other than that all I can tell you is to start in the heart of the old Empire."

"But that's miles hundreds of miles away!" Astra cries.

Vincent shrugs. "Get an early start?"

"How can you force us to do this?" Fred says. "Suppose as soon as we leave this tower we just go home?"

"Ah, yes, thank you for reminding me." Vincent lowers his head and starts chanting a low chant. Then his voice rises slowly, and the wind stirs in the room. Then, suddenly, FWOOF! a fireball flies past Fred and Astra and hits a table in the back of the room.

Vincent opens his eyes. "Oops. That was supposed to put a curse on you to keep you on task." He shrugs. "Ah, well. Will you help me anyway? I'd really appreciate it."

Fred thinks for a moment, then says, "Yes. I'll look for the book. If Zardoz is as powerful and as evil as you say, we have to help."

"Ah, good, good," Vincent says. "I'll let you out now, if you want."

Vincent leads them through the tower to the library, where he gives them a map showing them where they are and the best way to get out of the desert, then leads them to outside and back into the desert. He says goodbye, and they set back out toward civilization.

"Well," Fred says, still reeling from all that's happened, "that was odd." He turns to Astra. "So do we listen to Vincent or do we just go home?"

  1. They decide to look for the book.
  2. They decide to go home.
  3. Before they decide, Astra begins cackling cruelly and suddenly changes shape and becomes a tall, intimidating man dressed in heavy robes. Zardoz!
  4. Zardoz, the Unpredictable!

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The Seeker (Not one of my better episodes, but maybe it's a start. I really wanted to give names to this "Great Empire" and the country where it used to be -- this world's equivalent of Rome and Italy -- but I don't speak Latin or Italian.)

10/16/1999 7:14:14 PM

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