In the Company of Shadows

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 1238

"Hi-ho! Hi-ho! it's off to kill we go! A'smashing and a'stabbing, and a'kicking and a'flaying, it's off to kill we go!"

"Aaaargh, maties!" growled one of the singers. "This be a fine twist o' syllabic expression, but it have th' wrong content! We be burying treasure, not a'smashing a bunch o' knaves!"

"Poe be right," answered another. "Let us begin with 'this little shovel can' and be on our way."

Before any singing could recommence, another voice rang out in the night. "Halt ye green-blooded galloots! Smell!"

The troop lifted their rather large and obtrusive noses with accompanyingly grand nasal passages to the sky. They sniffed, they whiffed, they gathered in the night air.

"Shit." said one. "I smell shit."

"Nae!" cried another. "That be yer damn diaper!"

The others began to laugh heartily.

"Shut ye up, barbarians!" said the leader coldly. "Smell again!"

They did.

"Fox shit?" said one, timidly.

"Aye. Fox shit." said the leader. "Gather the boxes, the bundles, the strings....ain't nobody gonna take any o' my favorite things!"

With that the company of pirates began to place their belongings in a more defendable way.

  1. the Pirates of Penzance?

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