Redshirt relief....

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 12225

Inquirer, looking at the window to this other place, then notices somebody stirring both here and there!

"Oomph!" the Master gasps as Inquirer delivers a restrained kick to her side as the evil (and recently feminized) Time Lord. The Master (Mistress?) gasps in pain, and then gapes as she catches her reflection in a shiny surface.

A bubble of panic is rising in her well as the beginning of a scream.

"Don't kick my patient!" McCoy says sharply to Inquirer as he, noting the growing look of hysteria in the evil Time Lord's lovely face, delivers a hypo full of sedative to keep the new lady sedated...and calm.

A mellow, and dopey look replaces the frantic look on the Master's face.

Inquirer, meanwhile, isn't wasting time on arguing with the Enterprise Head Surgeon.

"Look out behind you!" she shouts to the others in the image, "The Master is getting up!"

The "other" Doctor and those of his group jerk around and then they quickly restrain "their" still logy Master!

The Master, finally noting recent change....has to be gagged so to stop her screaming in horror.

"Now what?" Stacy asks, directing the question to both "her" Doctor and his mirror image.

The Doctor of Inquirer's group nods and then turns back to open the door of the police box TARDIS, and is delighted to see that his key works. He then blinks in surprise as he sees that besides a rather antsy looking Star Fleet "Redshirt", there is also a cabinet of 20th Century electronic equipment right next to the Control Pedestal. The Doctor knows that it's more than it appears, it is probably yet another TARDIS in disguise. He then wonders if perhaps if this is somehow related to recent events.

  1. After the Redshirt shouts in surprise at seeing how small the TARDIS is on the outside (but so large inside).......

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