Trevor, who is a guy

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 1200

Trevor is a volunteer social worker at the New Bedlam Home For the Emotionally Troubled. He takes Fred under his wing to teach him about the twentieth century. Of course, he doesn't believe the man is from the past, but Fred accepts all he is taught and adapts quite well to it.
The head therapists enroll Fred in the asylum's high school program, reasoning quite well that it would provide Fred with the basics he would need to know for modern life.
Several weeks pass. Fred is having trouble with the concept of the Vice President.
"Why can't we elect him? Or her? Why does the old white guy in charge get to choose?"

  1. Trevor makes a reasonable explanation.
  2. Trevor is stumped. Take that, modern electroal process! Zing!
  3. Dick Cheney runs by. So THAT'S where he ended up. Zing!
  4. Fred admits he's in love with Shelia from the other wing.
  5. Fred admits he's in love with that chair over there. Seems someone needs to re-adjust Fred's meds.
  6. Actually, Fred had been going to a normal high school for years now. He's just nuts. Except for today.

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