The Mystery of the Missing Motel

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 11788

The motel that Stacy had stayed at just plain wasn't there. In its place was one of those tacky "adult superstores" you sometimes see off of major highways. Stacy glared at it resentfully. She could have sworn the motel was here. Surely it couldn't have actually disappeared somehow? No, she'd probably just gotten lost.

But walking around the area a bit showed that the nearest Super 8 motel was nowhere near where she'd stayed for the night. This was starting to get profoundly worrying. She had to go and talk to Ragan, even if she was on work--Ragan might not necessarily have any idea what was going on, but Stacy had to talk to someone she could trust.

  1. So Stacy walks to the VLA.
  2. But the VLA doesn't seem to be anywhere near where it's supposed to either.

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Knight Random (not imputing anything against the character of the real Soccoro :) )

8/14/2004 10:16:48 AM

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