The Island

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 116665

The family immediately welcomed Fred, or Hannah, as they called her, into their home. They consisted of a mother, Tenna, a father, Lauam, and a 17-year-old daughter, Frila. Everybody was dark-haired and dark-skinned under the sun's hot rays, and when Hannah caught a glimpse of her own reflection, she saw that Belboz had apparently changed her at the last second to look just like them. By the end of the first day Hannah's head was spinning at how different the culture was here, and how much she would have to adjust to. Worst of all, she had asked how far they were from Allaria, and the family had told her they'd never even heard of Allaria.

There was a total of 88 people on the entire island. They were self-governed and apparently not a single one of them was a warrior--the closest thing they had was a few hunters. Most people did not have a designated role, however. They just helped with whatever was needed at any given time.

Hannah began to get to know her knew family. As Fred, he had had a sister, but the dynamic between two sisters was so different, especially since he now found himself the younger of them. Frila clearly cared for Hannah but obviously didn't look up to her in any way. It was all so different, so unwelcome.

Since it was an island with no other land masses visible, the only way to get anywhere else was by boat. But when Hannah came to stand by the shore, she found that the sight of the ocean struck terrible fear into her heart. Belboz had made her afraid of the water. She likely couldn't even swim. How on earth would she ever get out of here?

The strange part, and perhaps the scariest part, was that on some level, she didn't want to. She couldn't find a reason to. Her new family would clearly care for her and give her a comfortable life.

Time passed. She learned how to make baskets and lures and how to harvest and crack coconuts. She learned traditional dances and greetings and songs. Though at first they had seemed very strange to her, eventually she found herself beginning to pray to the people's island gods. Nothing ever happened on the island, and they lived in perfect peace and isolation. Slowly, but also all too fast, she began to grow.

  1. She was eleven when Lauam resolved to teach her how to swim.
  2. She was thirteen when Frila fell very, very ill.
  3. She was fifteen when she found a strange cave deep beneath the island.
  4. She was seventeen when a large ship arrived on the island and began to abduct her people.
  5. She was nineteen when when the only boy her age on the island began to pursue her.
  6. She was twenty-one when she caught a mermaid and was granted three wishes for her release.
  7. She was twenty-three when a foreign boat wrecked on the beach.
  8. She was twenty-five when a stranger mysteriously appeared on the island. He told the people he was the god Tihena but she recognized him to be Belboz.

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