Physical Transference

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 115925

Fred walked up to the left wall of the medium-sized cavern, having spotted something strange in the wall. As he inspected it, he realized it was a series of runes he could not read, etched into the wall. Fred stared at them for a few minutes, unable to make sense of them, and began turning back towards the exit when suddenly the runes flared to life.

Blue magic filled the runes and blinded him in the dark cavern, causing him to jump back and cover his eyes, and, unfortunately, drop his torch, which mysteriously extinguished completely the second it touched the cold stones. As Fred removed his hands from his eyes, looking back at the bright blue runes, he felt he could almost feel a tangible meaning in the runes which he could not fully grasp, and if only he had a few moments more to study them, he felt he could figure it out.

But the meaning never came. Instead, Fred began getting dizzy as the runes started pulsating. His heart started pounding in rhythm to the runes, and he could hear the blood pumping in his head, as if his body was making some macabre music in time to the pulsing.

Without warning, Fred blacked out.


Fred's vision blurred as he strained to upright himself. His head was throbbing, and he couldn't remember anything that had just fact, try as he might, he couldn't remember anything he had done in his entire life! It was all a blank, even his own name, although he found (and did not find it curious) that he remembered all the skills he had learned up until this point.

As our poor traveler looked around, he realized he was in some sort of huge forest, the trees extending far above his head and all manner of plants and fungi inhabiting the forest floor.....

(Continue the adventure here:

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  1. Fred sits still, listening for signs of wildlife (oblivious to the fact that he is remembering how to sit and listen)

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