Man is commanded, hearing is the only way....

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 115906

Fred remembered being taught in his Friday church (of the Black Titan) lessons that "Man shall not rely upon his senses alone, but if he must, he shall defer to hearing above all." He thought this was one of those situations.

Wandering through the forked passages, Fred continued walking, taking random paths through the system, making his way towards the clanging sounds. Right, left, left, middle, middle, left....As Fred walked, he noticed the air was drier in this region. The water-dripping noises had just barely ceased and the clanging noises grew steadily louder.

Fred eventually came to what seemed like a dead end. The cave, about two-arms lengths from wall-to-wall, opened up onto a medium-sized empty cavern. Fred's torch was still going brightly and he had plenty of spare fuel. 'Good', he thought. He knew taking in his situation would be the most prominent factor in keeping him alive. 'I do wish I had been given a guide though....'

Fred could still hear the steady clanging noise, though he wasn't quite sure where it was coming from at this point. It almost seemed to be coming from....somewhere far above and forward from him.

  1. Fred notices something shiny in the dust of the cavern floor
  2. Fred notices a small passage at the top of the medium-sized cavern, but can't reach it
  3. Fred backtracks one section and takes the right passage instead of the left
  4. Fred decides to try to exit the cave system, not liking the idea of becoming lost in this place
  5. Fred notices something strange etched into the cavern wall....

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