Mind Read (It Belonged to You)

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 114106

A flustered Scott picks up an interesting book entitled What Scott Chen is Doing Right Now. He opens it, then randomly turns to a page.

"At this moment," Scott reads aloud in a quiet voice, "Scott has opened up a book called What Scott Chen is Doing Right Now, and is reading from a passage in the book."

Scott pauses. "My name isn't Chen. I thought we all went through this before." He then turns his attention back to the book and resumes reading aloud. "He then stops and talks to himself about how his surname really isn't Chen and how his heritage and real surname are common knowledge..."

Author's note: This episode is meta af!

  1. Scott continues to read the book. The content doesn't get much more exciting...or interesting, for that matter.
  2. Scott puts the book back.
  3. Scott replaces the book, but not before he reads the part in the book where he closes it and returns it to the shelf.
  4. Scott is reprimanded by a librarian for talking out loud.

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