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The Never Ending Quest - Episode 112298

Mertix had a mage's traditional crystal ball on the desk in his study, which he could use to communicate in both sound and vision with any other magic user within range who possessed a similar device. Fortunately the Allarian capital of Caemlyn was well within range and the Allarian court mage had such a ball. He quickly responded to Mertix's attempt to contact him.

"Hello, Mertix. What can I do for you?"

"Hello, Arahim. Thank you for answering my call so promptly. Something rather strange has happened, which I hope you may be able to throw some light on. Our court recently acquired a rather fine statue of a pretty young woman. I was able to detect that it was not really a statue at all, but a petrified human being, and I was able to restore her to life."

"Well done! I know how difficult that is."

"Thank you. But now we come to the really strange part. She claims to be an Allarian knight, a Sir Frederigo D'Honaire, and to have been transformed by some necromancer called Belboz. So I was wondering whether there actually is an Allarian knight of that name who is missing, or whether the poor girl is deluded."

"This is very exciting news! There certainly is a knight of that name, who left on a quest almost two months ago to try to slay the dragon of the Southern Caves. He has not been heard from since, and we assumed that he must have perished. But it seems that he may be alive after all."

"Do not get your hopes up too high. It is possible that the girl has somehow heard of him - perhaps even once met him - and, though I think she sincerely believes herself to be him, is not in fact him."

"I take your point. But if it is Sir Fred - by the way he is the son of a duke, so is entitled to call himself Lord Fred, though he does not usually bother with his title - then we must restore him to his rightful form with all possible speed."

"That may not be easy. Transformation spells are notoriously hard to reverse. But do I take it from your use of 'we' that you would like to help?"

"Naturally I would. And since I know Sir Fred well, I should be able to help determine whether this really is him. I know things about his childhood, for instance, that a casual acquaintance would be unlikely to be aware of."

"Your help would be most welcome."

"Then I shall come to you as quickly as I can.

  1. "I'll pack some magic books and other items that might come in useful and then teleport across."
  2. "I'll saddle a horse, and should be with you in a week or so."

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