Lengthy Explanations

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 11090

Before Varonir could begin his explanation, Astra interrupted him. "We should introduce ourselves first," she said. "I am Varonir Lightbringer. I am leader of a border patrol of our army." "I am called Astra," Astra replied, deciding that there was nothing to be gained by giving her title, and possibly something to be lost should the elf turn out to be untrustworthy and try to take her as a hostage.

She continued: "Now, what is this nonsense about humans being mythical creatures?" "But they are. We High Elves have explored all of this continent, but no human has ever been discovered in recorded history. And yet you obviously cannot be the only one of your kind. Apart from anything else, the high quality of your armour speaks of an advanced civilisation." "Either you are mad, or something very odd has happened." And Astra told of her recent experiences. Eventually they realised that Astra must somehow have been transported between alternate realities.

That settled, Varonir could at last begin his explanation of why he thought a human might be able to help the alliance of High and Wood Elves against the Dark Elves. "According to the legends," he said, "humans have one quality that we lack. If you have that quality, then you may be able to carry out a vital mission for us. That quality is:

  1. "A high resistance to magic." "This world must be very different to my own, then," Astra said.
  2. "Great strength."
  3. "The ability to withstand great cold."
  4. "The ability to withstand great heat."
  5. "The ability to swim. Elves cannot swim."

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