Time to Talk to Belboz

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 110811

Troubles never seem to come singly, Minestus thought. A few hours ago all had seemed to be well, and now he had two worries: the princesses' escape and the mysterious magical power that had disrupted his scrying.

He decided that his first step should be to pay Belboz a visit. Not only might that help him to judge whether it was Belboz who was responsible for the red orb but, if not, the necromancer could have some ideas about who might be to blame. Whilst Minestus ensured for his own protection that he kept himself up to date with who the leading magic users from Allaria and Aqualaria were and their capabilities, Belboz might well know more than he did about those from further afield. Perhaps one of them had recently moved into his caves without his being aware of it, which in itself would require great power. Of course it was always possible that the entity behind this was not human at all, in which case Belboz was unlikely to be of any help.

Ordinarily Minestus would have teleported himself to a point just outside Belboz's chambers, but in the circunstances that seemed a needless risk, so he made the journey the mundane rather than the magical way, meaning that it took him the better part of an hour.

  1. He had a lengthy conversation with Belboz.
  2. Belboz was not at home.
  3. He discovered Belboz's dead body! Minestus surmised that he had been killed by the same entity as the one that had blocked his own scrying.
  4. Meanwhile, Astra and Exotica were making their way through the caves.

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