The Wizard Caldor

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 10994

Other than the guards that had been posted, everyone in both entourages was asleep. It was not a difficult matter for the wizard to ensure that the guards did not see him. Finding Fred's bedroom was a little harder, but it did not take him long.

Fred was awoken by someone shaking his shoulder. When he opened his eyes, he quickly became wide awake, for standing over him was a stranger: an old man with a flowing white beard. "Who are you, and what do you want?" he demanded, regretting that his dagger (pages weren't allowed swords) was not within reach. "My name is Caldor, Fred. I am a mage - what the common folk call a wizard. When my scrying showed me the meeting taking place between your father and Queen Astra, I came to see you as fast as I could." "Me? Why should you want to see me?" "Because - though it might astonish you to know it - you have a vital part to play in all this. By your actions you will ensure:

  1. "That Astra marries Henri. That's bad, I know, but believe me it's the lesser of two evils."
  2. "That Astra doesn't marry Henri. There is a way other than an alliance with Allaria for Aqualaria to defeat her enemies."
  3. "That Astra doesn't marry Henri. There is a way to ensure that Allaria will ally herself with Aqualaria in spite of this."
  4. "That Henri doesn't marry Astra, in spite of Astra's acceptance that she must marry him. How? Why, you are going to assassinate Henri before the ceremony can take place."

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