Waking the dead.....

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 10874

...and a moment later, they found themselves at the entrance to the Tomb.

"Well, we do seem to have arrived," E'ysha says, looking around at the tomb and stopping at the raised alter where a body lay. "And I assume that is the man in question?"

"Yes indeed, the greatest figure in Time Lord history," Dr. Who says almost reverantly, and the other Doctors nod in agreement.

"Let's get to it, shall we?" the fourth Doctor says in a somewhat cheerful voice as he and Romana walk quickly over to the controls to the apparatus that is holding the fifth Doctor's TARDIS bound, "We do have to reverse the neutron flow and all that."

B'elanna, still very much an Engineer despite her transformation into an elfin lass, quickly joins the other Time Lords turned elves as they fiddle with the controls. Elrondir joins with B'elanna his love, also somewhat curious and a quiet session of questions and answers takes place. Betty and Ragan look at each other and shrug, not having learned enough yet of the advance "techno-babble" science to really follow the discussion.

The other Doctors probably would have gone straight away with the now elfin Doctor, but instead their interest seemed to be drawn to a stone with strange writing on it.

However, Betty and Ragan intercepted the other Doctors before they begin to try to decipher the ancient Galifreyian text written on a stone slab. Much as it would be nice to see a repeat of what had happened in the show, what with the Doctors thinking that their other versions couldn't get the translation correct without his

input, she sensed that the new Champions (Fred and Astra) were antsy to complete their assignment....now being so close to their assigned goal.....

"It contains a rather cryptic summary of what I've already told you about with Rassilon's ring and all that," Betty begins.

The Doctors seem to be unsure, then the second Doctor glimpses the writing and.....

"She's right," the shabbily dressed Time Lord sighs, "and I think we all agree that we'd....rather not win since 'To win is to lose.'"

The other Time Lords agree and some shiver as they glance at three stone figures that decorate the altar that the great Rassilon is laying upon.

"Say, what is that young man and woman doing?" Sarah Jane says to Susan as Fred and Astra walk over to the dead Time Lord, "You don't suppose?"

"Well, that is the reason they say they were sent here in the first place....." Susan begins.

That is when the ghostly image of Rassilon appears (a full body image instead of the usual floating head deal).

  1. Things had departed radically from what the dead Time Lord had sensed should have happened....and therefore was quiet curious at what this was all about.....since it was obvious that something unusual was afoot!

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