The Arm Brace

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 107861

"You're right," Astra says. "It does look like some sort of armour to protect the upper arm. I've never seen one similar to this before, but it's beautiful workmanship. It's interesting that, as a dragon, you can detect that it's enchanted. I don't suppose that you call tell whether it's with something positive or with a curse?"

"I'm afraid not. Maybe the two would differ in how I perceived them, but I don't have any other examples to compare this one with."

"It's too nice to leave behind, but I've nowhere to put it and it would be inconvenient to carry. I'm going to take the slight risk of putting it on."

Astra fixes the brace around her upper right arm, where it fits quite well.

  1. There is no obvious effect on her.
  2. There is a positive effect.
  3. There is a negative effect.
  4. There is an amusing effect. At least, Fred finds it amusing, Astra not so much so.

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