Great Scott!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 10769

"Scott!" exclaimed the other Betty in disbelief. "From Game 3?"

"Oh, yeah," said her red-haired counterpart, nodding vigorously. "Believe me, I'd know him anywhere."

Scott smiled at them. "Yup, it's me! And, knowing just how much my favorite Author -- excuse me, ex-author -- loves that goofy Doctor Who show, I thought I'd arrange a little fun for you!"

"Oh, this is not gonna be good," muttered Betty-1. Scott merely chuckled evilly.

"Do'h!" cried the red-headed Betty. "That's the evil laugh I recognized!"

The third Doctor leapt in at this point. "You brought us here?"


"And it was you who did this" -- he indicated the shrunken Melissa, who was still slurping her soup with unnatural calm -- "to Melissa?"

"Yup!" crowed Scott again. "Cute, huh? I'm pretty much controlling her completely at the moment. Wanna see her cluck like a chicken?"

"NO!" chorused everyone in the room at once.

"Well, whatever," said Scott. "The thing is, I've set up a nifty little scenario here. Three Doctors, three Masters, three companion-types... I only had two Bettys, so I had to throw in a Stacy for good measure. Close enough, I figure. Anyway, we're going to have a little... erm... competition here."

A babble of voices as all the Time Lords tried to speak at once. Finally, the Third Doctor's voice broke in above them: "Look we don't have time for this, you know! We're trying to save the entire planet Earth from destruction!"

"Yeah, I know," said Scott. "Tell you what, you win my little game, and you can go save your precious Earth. That'll be your prize."

"Don't you even care about the fate of your own planet?" asked Stacy.

"Nah. It never did much for me. Besides, it's not even my universe, anyway. I live in Addventurespace, not Earth. Oh, that's where you are, by the way. I built this place out of pure, raw Addventurespace. Like it?"

"Not particularly," said the Eighth Doctor in a soft voice.

"Well, that's just tough, 'cause you're all stuck here til I let you go. Now, shall we let the games begin?"

  1. He snapped his fingers, and suddenly all of them vanished from the room.
  2. "First," he said, "the rules..."
  3. "Wait," said the Roberts Master. "What do the rest of us get if we win?"

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