The Beginning of the Journey

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 107038


In this dimension, Grand Admiral Fredrist Ironbellow (people just call him Fred) is a Galactic Enforcer, and assists the Universal Enforcers in ensuring that stability and order prevail in his assigned galaxy, as well as maintaining the freedom and safety of its many inhabitants. Fred is just one of many Galactic Enforcers, and is a captain of a host of some 100 billion or so TEMP soldiers, making him a significant small-arms reserve force in his respective galaxy (the Andromeda). Like any Galactic Enforcer, he can draw portals for himself and his troops, but only to other locations in his galaxy. Fred oversees many countless systems and works alongside several other Galactic Enforcers. He has the ability to use any of the natural processes that occur on worlds, such as summoning lightning and energizing matter, etc.

However, Fred has just received philotic signals that are saying his assistance is needed at a code 506 level, which is relatively high in his sector. Fred walks outside the galactic palace to think. Should he immediately respond, or should he go do his assigned mission first? He was assigned by his taskmaster, after all, to release a Minor World Destroyer upon a planet (Mearose) who's inhabitants were in open rebellion against the Laws of the Universe, using their magic to kill the Emmisaries of Higher Order and attempting to start an entropy chain-reaction as well as declaring open war upon a nearby peaceful planet, Ayytirius. Fred decides to--

  1. Attend to the code 506 and respond using philotic rays
  2. Attend to the assignment given to him by his taskmaster first
  3. Turn against the Universal Order

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