There's Mighty, then there's Magic

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 105315

"By the Goddess," said Astra, "you're right!"

"You should have minded your own business, mage," said Mr. M menacingly, approaching Minestus. All of a sudden Minestus face reacted in shock and then he began to laugh.

"Oh, you fool," Minestus said, in between laughs. "I honestly would have thought this was a time loop if your idiotic brain wasn't so focused on your plan. Astra, this is all a tra--" and then he was cut off as Mr. M launched himself at him, taking him to the ground.

Although the truth is that, yes, Mr. M was just about as musclebound as a bear, a hundred bears would have problems with a regular ancient dragon, let alone an ancient dragon mage of Minestus' stature. As they fell to the ground, Minestus whispered something at Mr. M that caused his face to fall and he tried to scramble away. He failed, however, as swiftly, irresistibly, and painfully he shrunk down until he was a tiny doll that Minestus scooped up and put in his robe as he stood up, dusting himself off.

"What have you done?!" shrieked Astra, looking around frantically for Mr. M.

"You aren't pregnant, princess..." stated Minestus in a flat tone.

"Well I don't know how I became pregnant, but I clearly am...." but then Astra noticed that she was not pregnant at all. "What is happening?" She swiftly stood to her feet and backed up against the wall.

"This is not the Enterprising Inn," continued Minestus with a sigh. "We have been duped. When we escaped the time loop in the caves, we entered Multiversal space alright. We entered right into a trap!" [98855]

"That's ridiculous! So that wasn't Mr. M at all? What was I... occupying myself with then?" Astra felt suddenly unclean.

"Is it?" asked Minestus, pacing back and forth in the entry way. "No, this is a trap. The one wearing the 'Will' persona is the one pulling the strings. If we are to escape, he must be confronted. First, we need to get Belboz."

"What was I having sex with?!" pleaded Astra in a panicked tone. "You can't just not tell me."

"Oh, don't worry about that," Minestus replied. "Illusion given form. Can hurt you, or... do other things to you, but its not like you were banging a demon or anything. Now, let's go find Belboz."

Partially mollified, and deciding to trust Minestus, she accompanied him into the hall to go find Belboz.

  1. Will is standing in the hall, his eyes radiating crimson light. "Fools! You will never leave this place!"
  2. Belboz is running down the hall, chased by Lil, whose skin is smoking and who is wielding two large nasty looking blades. "Run!" he shrieks as he goes by. They do.
  3. They find Belboz passed out fast asleep in his room, and wake him.
  4. There is a flash, a high pitched whine, and Minestus, Astra, and Belboz find themelves somewhere (and somewhen?) else entirely!

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