Annabella, Wife of Belboz

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 104402

All at once, the only thing this knight-turned-princess wants in all the world is to be with this sweet old man forever and always. "Never mind about what I said earlier," she gushes, intensely worried that she's scared him off. "I didn't realize my feelings for you. All I want is to be with you." She still knows, of course, that this is wrong in every way, somewhere in the back of her mind. But her love for Belboz is too great. She would cross any boundary if it means she can be his.

"Fear not, my dear," Belboz says, smiling. "I forgive you. And I will still take you."

The princess nearly faints in happiness. Instead, she throws her arms around her betrothed and kisses him deeply.

They are wed at once. The priest calls the bride "Annabella," which is how the princess who was once Fred learns of her new name, chosen by her beloved. She is far too in love to care at all.


  1. sweeps his bride off her feet and carries her to his home (now their home). He has every intention of treating her properly.
  2. takes her directly to his potions room. Sure, he wants her to keep him company, but she'll also be very useful as a test subject. And cook. And maid...

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