223:X valid, 223:X-1 invalid

From: david nicol (whatever_at_davidnicol.com)
Date: Wed Apr 21 2004 - 15:01:24 PDT

Andre Engels has started us out brilliantly, with a twist on
rule numbering, and some details about the antigravity machine,
and about the staffing of the lab -- Klaus has disappeared -- 
Tesla himself appears to be aware of the context in which he is being
discussed, in mutterings. Tesla's mutterings are given the possibility
of becoming guiding of play, but they aren't yet

New restrictions presented: (1)a numbering system for play in this round
(2)Valid play must contain a specification for the a-g device, and
(3)any color specified for it must be black. (Is Henry Ford involved?)
Also (4) the time-narrative of valid play must be consistent.

Style points: 5, and future rules will be given more or fewer.

Joshua's submission is invalid, due to inconsistency of the verb tenses
in the narrative: although everything else has been in past tense
(except dialogue) Klaus "looks up" instead of "looked up" to see N.T.

Style points: 4 -- I like how the prose is reminiscent of Douglas Adams
but invalidated to zero due to the tense error, which may be corrected.

Judge's note: I am going to maintain linear time in judging the round
and numbering restrictions rather than attempting to play along with
the narrative. I will renumber any colliding rules so don't worry about

david nicol
    "People used to be able to read my thoughts, but
it doesn't appear to work any more. Should I eat less cheese?"
                                               -- Elizabeth Woods

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