Re: 185:6: VALID, +1.0

From: Richard S. Holmes (rsholmes_at_MailBox.Syr.Edu)
Date: Thu May 30 2002 - 11:18:06 PDT

James Willson <> writes:

> 185:6
> >>>>>>>>>>
> Since the judge is an unsufferable twit,we will tell the judge what rules he
> does and does not like.
> The judge likes all rules which are consistent with previous valid rules
> which are not 185:5, but which are not consistent with 185:5.
> The judge does not like any other rule.
> >>>>>>>>>>

JUDGEMENT: No problems.  Given the invalidity of 185:5, the question
of whether the Judge likes a rule or not has no specific effect on
play, so the constraint is legal but moot.

STYLE: Well... barely on theme, and no restriction on future rules.
But at least it's concise.  +1.0.

- Rich Holmes
  Syracuse, NY

Rule Date: 2002-05-30 18:18:24 GMT

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