
From: Factitious (x40_at_pacbell.net)
Date: Thu Jan 31 2002 - 16:24:13 PST

    Fantasy math is equipped to deal with problems others consider
insolvable.  For example, dividing by 0 is often considered to be taboo.  We
can get around this by defining the constant j as the inverse of 0, so that 0
times j is equal to 1.  This makes possible new solutions to many difficult
equations, as can be shown by the following proof that there is a value x
satisfying 0x - 4 = 9:

 0x - 4 = 9
 0x = 12
 x = 12j

    Numbers containing j are not considered real, but are part of the set of
fantasy numbers.  Future rules must each contain at least 1 fantasy number.

Rule Date: 2002-02-01 00:23:06 GMT

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