RE: 175:1 -- VALID +1.5

From: Jonathan Van Matre (
Date: Sat Jan 19 2002 - 13:07:52 PST

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stephen Turner []
> Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2002 11:53 AM
> To: Fantasy Rules Committee
> Subject: 175:1
> >>>>>
> The seaside town of Fanshore is hosting a boat race. Each fantasy rule
> will state the name of one vessel competing in the race, the
> name of its
> captain, and why the vessel was given its name.
> Fred is the captain of the only hovercraft in the race, named
> Penguin. He
> called it that because it is rather ungainly on land, but sleek in the
> water.
> <<<<<

Ahoy!  I'm relaxing on the foredeck of my beautiful sailing yacht, the
B.A.D.A.S.S. (Big And Distinctly Awesome Sailing Ship) Infinite Justice.
We're anchored off the coast of Provo, in the Turks and Caicos islands,
enjoying the blue, blue water.  I've got a gin and tonic in one hand,
and a wireless e-mail uplink in the other.  Oh dear, I find I really
need two hands to type...I suppose I *must* finish the gin and tonic so
I will free up the other hand...ah, the sacrifices one makes for the
sake of justice....

[a very brief interlude as the contents of the glass are expeditiously

Well, then, now that I'm a properly sauced ship's captain, here is my
ruling on 175:1...

This rule is VALID, as one would expect in a first rule.

+0.5 points, for a prompt and valid response to the new round
+1.0 points, for making me chuckle heartily with the penguin reference
+0.5 points, for a more-than-usually restrictive first rule.  They're
not difficult restrictions, but they do set a clear framework for the
-0.5 points, because it seems a rare and rather unfair race that would
pit a hovercraft against more conventional watercraft.  Perhaps someone
will explain this unusual race further in future rules.

Grand Total:  +1.5 points will excuse me now, whilst I top off my gin and tonic again.
Captaining a ship is such thirsty work!

Rule Date: 2002-01-19 21:14:23 GMT

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