Re: 176:9 INVALID, -1.0

From: Anton Cox (
Date: Thu Feb 07 2002 - 02:38:13 PST

On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Alan Riddell wrote:

> besides this point I would argue 1 = "one" and 0 = "zero", thus wrtting
> "one" is equivalent to wrting 1.

"One" is not equivalent to writing "1" in the sense that the former is
not written in base 11. Just because it refers to the same number does
not mean it shares all characteristics of another such referent.

For example ONE and one both refer to the same number, but only one
(sic!) of them would satisfy the requirement (for example) that "all
numbers be written in capitals".

To see that "one" is not in base 11, consider the word "twelve". This
means the same number regardless of the base we are considering - but
could be written as 1100, 110, 22, 15, 10 to name but a few
possibilities. The word version of the number is basis-free (I would
never refer to twelve in base 7 as "fifteen"!).

Best Wishes,


Rule Date: 2002-02-07 10:37:57 GMT

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