Re: Does a rule have to obey rules posted before it, but validated after it?

From: Jeremy D. Selengut (
Date: Mon Aug 20 2001 - 14:05:24 PDT


A rule found INVALID has no effect on the validity of other rules except
when VALID rules specifically require the content of INVALID rules to have
some effect.

The Judge always judges the rules in the sequence they were received by the
public forum because validity hinges on consistency with previous valid
rules (in addition to the RO's and the rule itself).


At 12:25 PM 8/20/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>         Suppose a rule, call it rule A, was posted; then another rule, rule
>B, was posted, which conflicted with rule A.  Then rule A was found
>to be invalid (or unsuccesful, it does not matter).  Would rule B also
>be not valid because of conflicts with rule A, or would rule B then be
>valid(assuming no other problems with it)?
>                 Puzzling, puzzling, puzziling,
>                         Jesse F. Weinstein
>Rule Date: 2001-08-20 19:28:06 GMT

Rule Date: 2001-08-20 21:06:23 GMT

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