Murder Most Foul

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 99519

Knowing that he needs the key in order to open the trap door, Fred starts running after the Monk.

Hey there! Fred yells out at the Monk. Stop for a moment. I want to ask you something.

Hearing the cry of desperation in Fred's voice, the Monk turns around and says, Yes, my son? What can I do for ..... GUUURRRCK!!!

The Monk's words are cut short as Fred thrusts his sword through the chest of the lowly Monk. Fred pulls out the now-bloody sword and nonchalantly watches as the Holy Man falls over dead.

Ha! mutters Fred, the old fart got what he deserved.

With the Monk dead, Fred casually bends over, cuts his purse open, and takes the iron skeleton key. He also steals the few measly coins the Monk was carrying to buy some bread.

  1. Fred returns to the square to open the trap door
  2. Fred is arrested for murder
  3. Fred wanders down the path and finds a Monastery

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