Trap Door

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 23997


A heretofore hidden trapdoor swings open in the middle of the courtyard. Fred stares like a dullard at if for a few moments while waiting for something to happen.

THEN! Without any warning whatsoever, a Trappist Monk comes crawling out. He does not see Fred, but Fred can overhear him mumbling something about jewels ... treasure maps ... invincible weapons ... guides to killing dragons ... err, something like that. Fred's not certain, but Fred is intrigued.

The Trappist Monk slams the trapdoor shut, securely locks it with an iron skeleton key, and tucks the key away in a leather purse tied to his belt. The Monk then ambles down a path away from where Fred is standing.

Fred goes over to the trap door, trys it, and finds it is locked tightly.

  1. Fred attacks the Monk and steals the key
  2. Fred approaches the Monk and strikes up a friendly conversation
  3. Fred tries to force the trap door with brute strength
  4. Fred is bored and goes back downstairs

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