Transformtion explanation

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 88696

"Not so fast Astra, we can't let him see you in this form."


"We need to turn you into something not as easily recognizable."

There was a surge of white light. It happened very quickly. Astra seemed to feel one less finger on each hand and each foot. Furthermore, her fingers seemed to have gotten so fat, they were banging into eachother, and she couldn't outstretch them. Her heels lifted off the ground, and her nose grew cold and wet. She could feel, in her joints, fur which had to be growing off other places of her own body. Suddenly, she could hear things she had never been able to hear, and smell things she had never been able to smell, and was quite overwhelmed by it.

When the light cleared, she saw that she had shrunken with respect to Fred and the old man, about half her size. She also found it difficult to stay standing up, especially now that her heels couldn't touch the ground, and fell on all fours.

"But Simon," said Fred to the old man, "a wolf?"

"It's the closest to a fox we can do."

"But wait, we can't do foxes because they're considered magical to the Nipon, right?"

"Basically, yes."

"Isn't there a people who considers wolves magical? One of those snowed countries?"

Astra tried to say that she remembered the name of that country, but only yips and howls came out. Worse still, she missed Old Man Simon's explanation.

"And why can't we just leave her like that?" asked Fred.

"She said she wanted to be a fox and, as you know, the will of the dead is sacred."

"Oh, please, not that again."

"In any case, I need you to take her down; I've left the gates unwatched too long, and Peter is going to be busy all morning."

"Understood, Simon."

Simon disappeared in a flash of light, and Fred (who Astra had forgotten was now twice as big in comparison to her) came towards her.

  1. Fred takes Astra to Minestus
  2. Astra runs off!

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