The vulpine decision

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 88691

"So, you want to be a fox?" asked Fred

"Sure, why not?"

"You know, 'cute' doesn't put food on the table; you'll need to hunt to survive and foxes are quite vicious killers. They're also hunted for sport."

"I don't care, I like foxes."

"And you do realize this will make you literally be a vixen?"

"I said I don't care."

"You sure about that?"


"Is that your final answer?"

"Yes, final answer."

However, the old man inerrupted: "Now, there's a small problem with foxes."

Both Fred and Astra turned to him. "Which is?"

"Foxes are considered magical creatures in the land of Nipon. This means we can't reincarnate people as foxes."

"That's crazy!" cried out Fred. "In my eleven years here, I haven't heard anything like that!"

"It's only been ten years and ten months; and Fred, we hadn't needed to do it until now."

"So what do we do?"

"We use Minestrus."

"Who?" asked Astra.

"Minestrus. He's a mage on earth, expert at shapeshifting."

  1. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"
  2. "If it's too much trouble, I can always pick something else."

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