The cairn

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 88445

Astra turned uncertainly from Velus to Fred. "Uh, what does 'yip' mean?"

"It's a system of yes-or-no questions we invented a while back. A yip is yes and two barks is a no."

"But why is he trying to go around the lake?"

"Well, he obviously doesn't like the twenty-foot drop you have to fall to cross through it!"

"But why even bother? What could there possibly be on the other side?"

Slowly, Fred and Astra saw where Velus was looking towards. Straining their eyes, Fred and Astra were able to a pile of rocks on the far shore of the lake. The ghost, satisfied they had found what she wanted them to see, sank beneath the waters from where she had come. The waters began to swirl again.

"Do you think that pile of rocks has anything to do with the ghost?" Fred asked.

"It could be a burial cairn," Astra suggested.

"Wait, you think that her mortal remains could lie under it?"

"Perhaps. Or those of her lover. Or perhaps both of them."

"What do you think that she wants us to do?"

"Carry out the proper funeral rite of her faith? Though we have no means of knowing what that is. Or maybe take the remains out of the caves and bury them properly?"

"That's all very well, but how do we get to the far side of the lake?"

  1. Their attention was called to Velus, who had managed to find a way around the lake
  2. "You better give it up, Velus, there is no way around this lake"

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