The Never Ending Quest - Episode 8131

Fred raises his sword, gives a mighty swing, and...


As it turns out, it's not really glass, but diamond! Fred thinks for a minute, then asks Belboz "Hey, would it be too much to upgrade my sword?"

"It'll cost ya!" Says Belboz.

"What will it be?" Asked Fred

"Five of the Dragon's teeth, and some of his muscle fiber, so I can make a necklace," says Belboz.

"What kind of a necklace?" Asked Fred

"One to let me do more powerful magic, you twit!" Said Belboz.

"Yes, well, I suppose a few teeth of his would be fine," Fred said.

Belboz then chanted a magical phrase and...

  1. Fred's sword changes shape. It now is longer, thinner, sharper, cooler-looking, glows with a firey color, and can shoot fireballs.
  2. Fred's sword is broader, shinier, and has a serrated edge. It's sharper, too.
  3. Fred's sword turns into a cow.

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