The Never Ending Quest - Episode 16030

Fred holds his improved sword, swings it a few times and decides to test it out on the diamond wall. He swings it and...


The wall immediately shatters into millions of tiny pieces. Fred, being wise to jump at every chance he sees, collects all the fragments in a bag. How he fits them all in is beyond me(Hey, this is just a game, okay? It doesn't have to follow every law of physics!), but he does.

"Wow! This thing works very well!" Fred exclaims.

"I know. Push the button and it shoots fireballs!" Says Belboz.

"Really?" Fred asks. He then points the sword at a wall, hits the button, and sure enough, the sword glows bright orange, the hilt brightens, and half a second later, a pulse of orange, glowing energy shoots from the blade, putting a hole into the wall.

"WOW!!!" Fred yells.

"The longer you hold it, the more powerful the blast." Says Belboz. Then, Belboz added "If you hit it once, then push and hold it, it will shoot a stream of flame energy. Try it."

Fred did, and sure enough, a stream of energy was released from his sword, drilling a rather deep hole into the wall.

"Impressive." said Fred.

"Also, it glows rather brightly, so you can use it as a torch, plus you can light things on fire with it." Says Belboz

"Thanks! I will tell the King about your help when we get back to him. We will surely be able to destroy the dragon with this sword and your talents. You will surely be rewarded." Said Fred.

"Really? Rewarded? Hmmm, what kind of a reward?" inquired Belboz.

"Who knows? We will have to see."

Well, now that they are done, they can finally...

  1. Move on and find the stupid dragon already!
  2. Take a break. Sit down for a while, THEN continue.

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