
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 7981

Sir Fred was a bit concerned by Belboz's desire to get ahold of the dragon's body. After all, dragons were reputed to be creatures of great power - far greater than a half-dozen sorcerers put together. Fortunately for humans, they tended to use their powers as mere brute force - they were, after all, mostltly brutish beasts, and a dragon with half an ounce's conception of the power it wielded was bad news indeed.

Belboz, on the other hand, probably knew exactly what could be done with powers gleaned from a slain dragon. And the odd gleam in the old wizard's eyes had been most - unsettling.

On the other hand, the king had ordered him to kill the dragon in no uncertain terms! And Fred had no doubt Belboz was capable of it.

What to do? he thought for a minute. Finally, he turned to the wizard and said:

  1. "Very well - I accept your terms. Let's get going."
  2. "On second thought, perhaps it's best if I continue this quest on my on."
  3. "I'll need the head and claws to return to the kind as proof the dragon is dead. You can have the rest."
  4. "I'm starved. You got anything to eat around here?"
  5. Something that made Belboz burst into tears.

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Bill L.

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