
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 7722

The XO of the ship nods, and the Technician does his duty.

The Technician had finally been able to get the communicator on line again, wonderful considering the last beating the ship had with the Alliance. The Humans seemed to get worse and worse as time goes on. But the Emperor be Praised, so forward marched the Race's to match and defeat the vile vermin and showing them Who should be on top.

But then he'd received the message that had been spread throughout the entirety of the Fleet. Somehow, the miraculous Phage that the Royal Researcher had produced and had modified by a local food source was now deadly to them as well as Humans. The fact was sealed by the EMPEROR himself!

His Will is law.

And since the scanners detected the same organism, somehow aboard the ship, the XO had been in the process of informing the Captain.....of the duty he was to levy out. Instead, accidentally, the XO had listened in on the CO's and the Brazen Man's conversation. Believe in that Cult was death. The Emperor was the Way...and all others were feeble copies. Then a computer file was downloaded, and they were quickly scanned by the technician.

One last duty to perform, with much regret for the most part, but two bright spots. One was the fact that the heretic was going to die. The other was the fact was....the Prayers of the Race had been answered. Technician more able than him, more gifted than him had tried for years to do it. The Race had searched for decades after the start of the Alliance/Enemy war for it.

The universe which had something called Star fleet had it. Antimatter warp core engines. With this knowledge, tiberium's usability would be increased by an enormous factor! Instead of consuming the precious mineral in wasteful tiberium reactors....only a faction was needed to channel the power generated by what until now had been the theoretical release from an matter/antimatter reaction.

A button pushed, an unstoppable overload and burn away the danger to the Race the infected ship represented.

Message sent via the most secure channels known to the Race.

One last sentence before dying.

Yellow catlike eyes dilated in anger, the Technician spits on his CO.

"Burn in the hells of Zanadoon, Grand Warlock Ygorl, Master of the Fifth Circle!" the Technician shouts, venom dripping from his words.....right before there is a brilliant flash of light....and darkness.

The Four arrive too late to stop it, for the Orders said to prevent the Spread before this happened.

The upside for them is that the Higher Ups don't erase them. The Downside, for some, is that they failed....and people are going to suffer.....

Being the odd nature of the Brazen Man....he had delivered the message months before the events happening on Terra happened. Much preperation is put into what happens here. Jellico and the others are ignorant of what is happening, but disaster is falling. The only thing that prevents total disaster for the the fact that Elrondir was able to convince Captain Sterndeck (the CO of the Alliance Fleet that won the greatest victory in Military history.....a captain for an admiral is too conspicuous for operations like this....would have ruined the chance of victory and all that) to let slip the iron dogs of war....and have them ram themselves into HIS Enemy's bases and facilities.

But not into the Enemy Fleet.

Net effect, while the Enemy was wickedly smart enough to dump immense tons of Omega into Federation (and other's) space.....causing subspace ruptures that will forever deny all space travel in the galaxy of ordinary warp speed.....the Enemy finds itself without the resources of their Empire. Thus an unprecedented thing must occur. They must capture and occupy industrial planets to build and repair their machines of war.....and to do this effectively, they must use human and other Non-people's labor! This is awkward for the Military, for they could smash these worlds....but they'd be killing their a real sense. The Military finds itself....reluctant to hit the human shield that the captive laborers represent.

Most of the High Command of Star Fleet died in the lightning attack of the Enemy....but Jellico has a few ideas...especially when he gets a dozen desperate plies from what HAD been enemies. The Cardasians and the Dominion have been hurt also. All have had horrible things done to their them. Jellico suddenly has a much clearer understanding of the night the Military calls the Night of Blood. The night that the Enemy attacked them! He and the others want the same thing: REVENGE!

The news of the appearance of another Enemy, along with the appearance of another Military-who'd been able to mend fences with their Company and who'd finally decided that perhaps.....things did need a around Home....amazing what a few deaths in key positions does for the internal chain of authority. With the odds the way they were, the Company battling the Military decided that.....peace was a better plan. A treaty is signed, and the Military grudgingly accepts the idea that the company keeps possession of the 9 remaining Home Earths it has....with "protectorate" worlds. The Military keeps it's worlds and stuff it gained from this war. Not the best, but the fighting and dying form this war is ended.

Forces unite.....forces that would never had considered joining together....until now.

  1. Let's follow Jellico and the Voyager's story.....
  2. No, let's just keep with the story of Fred and Terra Prime. There is still much to see here (even if it's on a lessor scale than #1).

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