Almost, but not good enough.....

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 7721


That is what the word for the day is for four entities in charge of the four foundations of life and existence in the mortal spheres.

An analogous version of Zerm the Unspeakable of Terra Prime, the Dust Mage, is making his tired way to accomplish the fell task assigned him, when his body collapses....and he finds himself in a very bright....and HOT place. The entity charged with "ushoring" in the legions of the damned for final punishment and containment pauses in consternation as he sees the work order on this man. He's seen all the color codes for the major Departments. Some were seen more than others over the eons. However, this is the FIRST time it's ever seen all FOUR colors on the paperwork.....and the LEVEL of the agent is......frightening.

One down.

The demoness, smiling s soft smile as she offered the mage great power, if he'd only sign....suddenly has this terrible pain in her throat. The demons reaches up....or tries to.....when the rest of it's body finally gets the idea that the angel's sword swipe was supposed to do....and the demon/demoness known as RF in some circles drops to the floor. The mage takes one look at the glaring foursome who are gathered around the dead demoness.....and pisses himself before running for the hills!

"This is the one I uncovered via the paper trail he left ignoring the proper channels," the head of Evil chuckles. "I'd have given it a promotions.....if he'd not tried to cut out the Organization......cut me out of the action."

"Yes, that would be a shame," the female angel (the form worn for today) says in a snide voice.

"Knock it off youse guys," the Chaos agent says, chains and leather straps flapping as it shakes it's head. "This is the biggest thing that's eva come down da pike...and ifn we screw around we're....hah....going to not exist to regret it!"

The events surrounding the Dark Tower should have warned them much sooner, but who'd ever put much belief that that pissant Norse deity rep would dare something like this!

Two down.

The Brazen Man's mask leers up at the demon who's claws dispatched him from behind. The Demon (the form for today), licks his claws and savors the blood.

"With just a hint of plague.....I like it," the Demon smiles at his sour looking comrades.

"If it wasn't the fact that the Norms were making a bid for instituting her mythos onto the entire multiverse.....I'd go and lay in your department's corrections handling facility before I'd ever work with the likes of you!" The Elder Rule grinds out, disgusted with the Demon.

The others look at him strangely. A Rule passionate about something? Showing feeling?!

"OH, for crying out.....don't you people read the interoffice paper?" the Rules mutters before they disappear again.....with their trophies.

Bodies are Erased.....something that will be done to the heads of the slain AFTER their whistle stop tour throughout the entirety of the four Offices. Dead though the slain entities are, they can still say much by warning others to NOT do what the heads' owners have done!

Three down

The scenery disappears around the ghostly Sir Tisbitt.......secret follower of the Norse religion.

Fenris is gone?

The Ygg?

He'd thought he'd finally found the actual Place where he needed to go in the Afterlife. The Norns had called him....and he'd been drawn forth to here! It had been what seemed like a final confirmation of his religion!

"This...shouldn't be!" Tisbitt cries in protest, looking around. His ledger falls to the ground in a ghostly clatter.

He hears a voice......quiet but powerful and tills the ghost with dread!

He looks frantically around, but the grey mist is blocking his view.

"We have a few questions about your dealings with this.....rather dead demoness......" the Voice begins. "And the question is.....are you an idiot? Do you think that your attempt to consolidate Our power under YOU is going to fly with the Higher Ups?"

A trio of high pitch screams....and then gurgling sounds.....then silence......

"You trying to put me and my friendly.....rival out of business?" the Voice asks....remembering how the Deal went. His Department tried to tear down the Universes quicker than the Schedule demanded.....and the Order Department tried to Prolong the Universe well past Schedule demands handed down by the Higher Ups. The net effect was a universe with occasional things happening that were....interesting. Both forces never really accomplished what each ultimately set out for in this "Game" but......That was what the Agent now understood since he had been.....gifted with insight so long ago. All in all, the game was fun where the Chaos Agents tried something new.....

"Oh, and Tisbitt," another voice, calm and quiet, neutral sounding. "Do be assured that all you've seen today with the Norse mythos has been a façade. You shan't see the Truth of the Afterlife until you actually have all your mortal connections to the mortal spheres severed......and not a moment sooner! Do make a journal entry with that insight, comprende?"

Tisbitt turns a lighter shade of pale (hard for a ghost), and nods as he quickly scrawls what has happened today here!

Third goal accomplished....but in retrospect they should have gone for the mortals first.....

The Brazen Man did indeed shake the foundation of quiet a few things....but not in the way he had planned.

  1. "Set a course for Phobos Moon outpost as soon as the drives can be engaged," the commanding officer of the Lizard ships orders the Technician. The bridge is silent as the officer awaits a reply.

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