Lord Fred's new quest

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 674

Another S.A.T.A.N (which still stands for Scientific Advanced Technology Addventurer Network in case you have forgotten) member, #674 appears and says

"Lord Fred, you must choose a quest of your own choice."

  1. Lord Fred decides that his new mission is to capture an evil ruler and bring him to trial.
  2. Lord Fred decides that his new mission is to slay an evil Mage.
  3. Lord Fred decides that his new mission is to explore a remote island.
  4. Foil SATURN
  5. Sell candy.
  6. Fred finds himself with a tribe of gorgeous Amazons
  7. Save the king from the depths of a mad god's lair.
  8. Lord Fred decides to continue hunting the dragon
  9. Fred decides that his new mission is todestroy the evil Frax empire
  10. Lord Fred decides that his new mission is to artificially preserve the body of an ancient rapist from Thailand

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