Six Million Farthing Dragon

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 63957

As the dizziness of the transformation left him, Dragon Fred glanced into the mirror that Belboz had thoughtfully placed in front of him. There he was, a majestic looking golden dragon!
Having satisfied his curiosity about his new look, he turned around and lowered his glance to where he expected to find the wizard, but only saw a pair of knees. With a puzzled look he raised his glance to the wizard's eyes, still about level with his own.

"This was a triumph!" Belboz gloated as he whipped out a small notebook and started scribbling. "I'm making a note here. Great success!"

"Succcess, my... tail!" Dragon Fred groaned. "Shouldn't I be, you know, bigger?"

"I can only make you a Level One Dragon," Belboz explained. "There is only so much mass that can be added to your body. Besides, look a the size of this room! Had I made you a fully grown Dragon, you would either have ruined the whole room or crushed yourself to death, possibly both. I have made you A Dragon, becoming The Dragon's equal is up to you."

"I see. And how do I, um, level up?"

"Level Two isn't far. A few deeds of cunning should do it."

"Hmm. Cunning, huh?"

"That, or you could go kill some rats."

  1. Fred challenges Belboz to a Battle Of Wits.
  2. Fred goes looking for some other Deed Of Cunning.
  3. Fred goes hunting rats.
  4. Belboz thanks his maker that Fred hasn't thought of asking what level The Dragon is.
  5. There is cake.
  6. The cake is a lie.

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