Honey Bear

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 488

Paulito stood on the cliffside and stared at the dual entrance of the Southern Caves. The two cave mouths, like dark eyes set into the face of the mountain, stared back at him. A cool breeze ruffled his slicked back hair and fluttered his purple-skin cape. It was cold out there on the mountainside, but he didn't make a move to enter into the caves. He was still deciding which cave to pick; the right or the left. Suddenly he picked up on something he hadn't noticed before. He lifted his nose high into the air. * SNIFF * SNIFF *

"Honey!" he exclaimed. "I love honey!" Following the scent of the honeycombed nectar, he headed for the left cave. "The King's Quest is probably hopeless," Paulito thought as he strode forward. "It will only lead me to trouble, or worse yet, trap me in an endless maze of passages that always turn to the left and to the right but never get me anywhere. That's not for me! I'd rather quit this quest and get myself some honey!"

And with nary a thought for the King or for the Dragon, Paulito boldly stepped into the left cave.

A cold breeze blew from inside the cave and as Paulito ventured further into it the light from outside grew dimmer and the large cave became hidden in darkness. But the scent of honey was stronger than ever. He quickly pulled out one of his torches and lit it. What he saw before him made him gasp. It was a honeycomb, larger than any he had ever seen before. Its walls glistened and dripped with sweet, golden honey. He had found the motherlode!

But then his ears picked up a sound. It was faint, almost not there. But as he strained to catch the sound again and discover its source he found that whatever it was, it was getting closer. He swished the torch to the left and to the right, trying to catch a sight of the creature that was rustling toward him. He gripped his sword tightly, ready to use it at a moment's notice. And then a large shadow fell over him. Paulito snapped his head toward the thing that had come out of the darkness of the cave and he looked up... and up... and up... and up.

When the huge thing which towered over him growled, he finally realized what it was that inhabited this cave with the giant honeycomb of honey. But when it stepped into the circle of light cast by his flickering torch he still wasn't fully prepared for what had come to face him.

It was a the biggest, meanest, most ferocious, honey-colored black bear he had ever seen.

  1. Does Paulito fight? I mean, does he love honey that much?

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